Re-roofing over asphalt shingle

The look of asphalt shingles. The strength of NZ steel

The New Zealand climate is hard on roofs, we have four seasons in one day and higher UV levels that most other places in the world. Unfortunately this means we see a lot of Asphalt Shingle roofs that are only 10-15 years old with significant water damage. It doesn't need to appear like much damage for there be significant damage underneath. With our product, not only do you keep the look you want, you can also sleep easy knowing your roof is going to last. 

CF Shingle, Charcoal Blend, Residential

Get the shingle look with the strength of NZ steel.

With CF Shingle and CF Shake we can lay our tiles directly over existing asphalt shingles.

  • Save Time

    Because this system can be installed in the wet or the dry, this means there will be less weather delays on your project and less time until your new roof is on.

  • Save Money

    With the overlay method there is no additional costs for roof removal.

  • Less Disruption

    Because your roof isn’t being removed your home is not being exposed to the elements, meaning you can continue to live in your home while work takes place.

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CF Shake re-roof case study

Our CF Range's innovative design means it can install directly over damaged asphalt shingles, saving time, money and ensuring you have a new roof that you don't have to worry about.

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CF Technology provides the ultimate in weather tightness and style

Our innovative product range means that every tile is hooked into the next tile and the fasteners are completing concealed and protected from the elements, leading to a streamlined appearance.

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Download a copy of our asphalt shingle overlay brochure.
